Roger in the Blog

Monday, April 25, 2005

Moving to the Innovation Center --- Part V

The Grill Floor.

The innovation center is a two-story building, and they use grill work to cover the walkway of second floor. The use of a grill floor presents a futuristic feel, and it also enhances the air circulation of both floors. The gaps in the grill are wide enough to have pennies, coffee, and dust fall thru. It is common that the university will organize banquets and set the food right under the rail while people are walking on the second floor. Women who prefer wearing skirts are unwilling to travel on the second floor for some unknown reason. If you have a serious condition of vertigo, I would not recommend coming up to the second floor. In extreme cases, patients may be so frightened that they wet their pants. There is really nothing to hold the urine.

This is the last section of the innovation center series. I hope you enjoy it, and tour is available from Mon-Fri 8:00 am to 5:00 pm. The entrance fee is in the following: $10 for seniors over 65, $2 for adults, and 99 cents for students (student ID required), and no children please. Private or group visitations are also available; just contact my sale representative for more information.

Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Moving to the innovation center --- Part IV

Another advance in technology is revealing the urinals in the men’s restroom. In the Genesis building (the previous office location), the urinals are equipped with infra-red sensors that will automatically flush the urinal after use. The innovation center urinals are so advanced that it doesn’t use water to flush.

Did you forget to flush?

The Falcon WATERFREE Technologies Company claim that it will conserve 40 gallons of water per urinal each year.

Conserve Water

It does have a unique interesting smell at the end of the day, but the smell magically goes away in the morning. All I can say is that the fish tank is dry.

Friday, April 15, 2005

Moving to the Innovation Center --- Part III

If you just glance at the external structure of the building, the overhang really stands out in the crowd.

However, if you pay a little more attention to it, you will find that there are trees planted right underneath the overhang.

Many of my coworkers are criticizing the poor choice of location for the trees b/c the overhang block most of the sun and rain. Until one day I had an epiphany; I figured out why they planted the trees under the overhang. As the trees grow over time, the maintenance people have to trim them keeping from poking the overhang. It provides job security and long-term employment to support the local economy.

Sunday, April 10, 2005

Moving to the Innovation Center --- Part II

The lighting system

The lighting system is one of the advance technologies in the building. Each light is equipped with a motion detector that will turn on and off the light without a touch of the hand. It also has a light sensor that will automatically adjust the brightness to ensure the consistency of the brightness of the room. They didn’t stop there; each light is hooked up to the network and has its own IP address, and they can be adjusted the brightness through a web application. Due to the growing concern of security and hackers (turning the building into a disco), the web service is protected behind the university firewall. The drawback of the lighting system is that we are unable to turn off the light easily. It makes it very difficult to use the projector and view the slides or power point presentations during meetings.

The room is too bright to see the slides... And there is not an easy way to turn the damn light off.

Of course, that’s not always a bad problem. Our hacker team is working hard to fix the problem.

Friday, April 08, 2005

Just for you Jessica. This is the A/C unit set behind the building.  Posted by Hello

Moving to the New Innovation Center --- Part I

We have been talking about moving from the Genesis building

the Genesis Building

to the new innovation center since last year (04). Not until March, 05, we finally moved.




This building is truly genius architecture; the unique design fully displays the heart and soul of Arkansas. The trailer home on top of a fish tank design is a perfect mix with South Fayetteville surrounded by the new jail, Tyson processing plant, Budweiser brewer factory, and multiple run down liquor stores. Not to mention the chicken poop incinerator, a research project to burn chicken poop to generate energy, within walking distance. When they turn on the furnace, it gives you an unforgettable scent of the nature. All these make it a prime office location.

The design of the building serves two purposes: hi-tech and environmental friendly.