Can Americans compete?
One of the latest article from Fortune magazine is about more and more jobs are moving to other countries with labors that are low cost and highly educated. As the American culture continues to make fun of nerds and geeks and gives praises to athletes, America (70,000 last year) is not producing as many engineers and programmers than India (350,000) and China (600,000). Americans may not be able to compete in this information age, and may result in lower pay and lower standards of living. Here are my recommendations to turn things around:
1. Stop the culture that makes fun of nerds and geeks. I graduated with a double major in Math and Computer Science, and I don't receive the same respect that athletes, arts, music students get from girls. The reason is too many nerds and geeks try to impress girls by fixing their computers and cars or solving their problems. The consequence is the over supply of services from geeks and nerds, and they take us for granted and use us as a target to make fun of when they don't need us.
Listen nerds and geeks, being a nice guy doesn't work. You will have a better chance to get her phone number by pretending you are a photographer who takes nude pictures, by smoking a pipe in a piano bar and act like you understand music and jazz, by driving a motorcycle in full speed on I540 and chased by the cops, by gaining and losing a lot of weight like the Subway Jared, by doing extreme make over to look like Tom Cruise or William Hung, or even by telling the girl "boy, you look tired" as a pick-up line.
So, my new policy is that I won't fix your computer, and ask your football player boy friend to fix it.
2. Start giving Xbox2 and PS3 to children in China and India for free. They don't need food; they need TV games. They simply have too much time to study; they need other distractions or entertainments.
3. Encourage nerds and geeks to have babies. The Singapore Gov't is giving tax breaks and benefits for couples who have degrees or higher education to have kids. It even have match making programs for nerds and geeks to meet. Their kids are more educated and competitive b/c they value education. I should go to Singapore instead.
4. We need to lower our prices and provide better services to compete with the crazy Chinese and smart Indians. The following is a good example of how we could strive for excellence:

Your satisfaction is guaranteed or your money back.
What kind of pick up line is "Boy, you look tired." I've never heard that one and don't think it would be a good one to use. Guess it depends on the setting...
Some very interesting thoughts. I'm just glad the blog is up and going in full swing. Oh, and you misspelled "americans."
The pick up line... you have to ask Terra. Read her blogs. Nice catch, I need to use spell check before I publish. Thanks.
Well those are interesting recommendations. I would agree on the outsourcing to other countries is not a good idea. However, some of us gals like nerds and geeks. They are usually the smart ones and will earn enough to support two. Didn't you watch Beauty and the Geek on FOX? Most of them turned out great! Some nerds and geeks just need to work on their social skills.
I also concur with Brad..."Boy, you look tired," is NOT a good pick up line...
Y'all make my point about the pick up line. You have a better chance to use a chessy pick up line than to be a nice nerds.
I'm just confused now...
Clowns and unicorns. I think i missed that episode. Who would have thought that the conversation would have shifted in this direction...
I knew what you were talking about Roger, obviously no one else reads my blog. :( lol. I thought it was funny AND a good point.
ok i read terra's blog so now understand i little more. i don't think that i ever saw the brady bunch movie. if i did i have blocked it from my memory.
the real question is what are you doing up nicole ??
i forget. how do you play ring around the rosie ??
Yes, hahaha that would be very fun.
that sounded SARCASTIC.
No, really lets do it, right after we go do our monthly swim !!
Roger, you need a new blog. We are all waiting.
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